I had a good encounter last week in the stand, it was a typical evening hunt that quickly turned into make or break decision. Who would think at 25 yards you would need to use binocs to check out a buck like this. Check out the video to see what happens when this buck presents an opportunity for a shot.
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Jack took down this nice 8 point buck with his crossbow on the 2nd night of the season from a ground blind overlooking a little food plot. Check out the short video of the recovery and Jack telling the story of his first buck from Pigeon Creek.
Brian Meeuwsen finally puts the hammer down on a nice doe. We had been trying to do this for some time and it all came together this night. We cooked up some nice venison steaks for New Years Eve dinner.
Jason Bakker and I went out the other night looking to put some meet in the cooler. Did a good job putting the hammer down on these two does with the muzzleloaders.
Here is a short recap of Eric's buck, I will hopefully have some video of the trip in the next week along with a fresh doe kill from the past weekend with a good friend of mine.
Another good morning in the blind doing some doe patrol. Took down two more doe after missing an opportunity a little earlier in the morning. These two were tough shots through some thick cover but the old muzzleloader performed just as expected.
Monday morning, our opening morning, Mitch caught this 9 point chasing some does through the brush in front of him and was able to make a nice shot with his muzzleloader. Mitch saw him fall within eyesite of his blind.
On Wednesday night Brian was just getting comfortable in his blind when this giant walked out onto the field. Brian wanted to make sure this was the buck he was looking for so he glassed him for a few minutes before attempting the shot. The story of this buck starts last year when it was passed up a couple of times as he had some great potential and probably would have been a 110"-120" buck. Well this year he put on some incredible mass, a couple stickers and a I dont care attitude. He has been spotted roaming the property and probably on motion cameras 20-30 times over the past couple months. Well 4 oclock yesterdy was his final mistake and Brian made the shot count with his muzzleloader. Even with little sign of blood from a high shoulder hit they were able to track him a short distance into the woods. Great job Brian, we are all really impressed with your field skills you have been working on the past couple years.
This is last year in September just coming out of velvet. You can see the kickers starting to develop on his G2's. Look at the mass he put on in 1 year of growth, this is why we need to let them go so they can grow!
Shortly thereafter he was on them back in Michigan and killed this nice heavy 8 point with a 19" spread.
Merle shot this 9 which tipped the scales at 171lbs. 16 inch spread, 30 yard shot, went 80 yards, rough score 139, from a ground blind, 8 ½ inch brow tines, heavy mass. Lots of fun!!!
There has also been some good progress on the doe management program during the first couple weeks of bow season. Some of the young hunters have been very successful learning to take game with their bow and arrows.
Last year I took Jeff Elenbaas out doe hunting and had a good time in the blind with him and his brother Ryan. Last year Jeff fell from his treestand and injured his back and is now in a wheelchair but still loves to get out in the woods as much as possible.
I had this on Youtube for a while but thought I should post it here because I have switched to a different video host.